Getting Noticed Online

One major (and common) issue is E-Commerce stores simply not getting visibility and page rankings from organic searches by customers on search engines.

The well-known resolutions of competent SEO efforts, keyword rich content on your store, lots of high-quality backlinks, indexing your site with the search engines and so on are activities that are never ending and must be executed effectively.

Another method is to have your products placed in "aggregator" stores with other products that are complimentary to yours but not a direct competing product.  For example, pairing an organic lip balm product line with an organic skincare product are complimentary yet non-competing products.  

Below is a simple graphic of the aggregator store concept.  Each individual brand controls its presentation and price and enjoys the benefits of cross-promotion with the other complimentary products.


Epochbg's E-commerce aggregator store grapic


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